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About Us

About Bill and Janean

We’d be honored to have you be a part of our interactive online-video church or to be trained as a home church shepherd. We’d like to help you deepen your intimacy with the Lord and church community. We offer online video courses you can do in the privacy of your own home to help you be more intimate with the Lord and experience His healing. 

BILL AND JANEAN FULLER were married in 2004 after each of them living 20 years single. They both were on the same journey when they were single as the Lord taught each of them separately about New Covenant Grace and the importance of fellowship in the Christian community.  They made a perfect match in marriage not only with romance but in ministry as well. They have five children and six grandchildren between them.

Bill graduated from Denver Seminary with a Masters Degree in Christian Formation. Janean has a Masters Degree in Christian Counseling. They’ve have been a part of or training believers to lead small home churches since getting married. 

About Bill

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Bill Fuller M.A. Christian Formation and Soul Care

BILL has over 33 years’ experience as a Spiritual Formation Director, Pastoral Counselor, and Associate/Small Groups and Home Church Pastor. He holds a B.A. in Christian Leadership and Theology from Colorado Christian University and graduated with a Master’s degree in Christian Formation and Soul Care at Denver Seminary. Bill is the author of It Is Finished—Resting in the Grace of God, God’s Intimacy Prayer—Restoration in God’s Presence, and Spirituality and Sexuality—Re-capturing Wholeness and Purity from Addiction. He has been an Adjunct Professor at various Bible Colleges and Church’s. He is the author of several Bible studies on New Covenant theology, grace, eternal security, home church, and salvation. He is the co-founder of New Covenant GraceLife Ministries.

About Janean

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Janean Fuller M.A. Biblical Counseling

JANEAN has 34 years’ experience in counseling—marriages, families, singles, and survivors of sexual abuse. She received a Master’s degree in Biblical Counseling under the direction of Dr. Larry Crabb at Colorado Christian University. Janean has been a guest adjunct professor at the Institute for Biblical Studies at Focus on the Family and Colorado Christian University, and a national Single Parent Trainer for Crown Financial Ministries. She is the author of several published magazine articles and radio commentaries for Focus on the Family and other Christian publications.