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Shepherds Certificate

Therefore, I exhort the elders among you, as your fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker also of the glory that is to be revealed, shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness; nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory” (1 Peter 5:1–4).


  • You are a Christian with the following attributes:

* an honest and contrite heart             * mercy and compassion for others

* a teachable spirit                              * humility that comes from broken life experiences

* a facilitator rather than a lecturer     * faith that allows the Holy Spirit to lead/empower

* a grace rather than works worldview * a New Covenant perspective

* a burning desire to live all the “one another Scriptures” in the context of community

  • You have a heartfelt desire or passion in the following four areas:
  1. Your own spiritual journey has moved you from formula living (law) into the mystery of faith and dependence on the Holy Spirit (grace).
  1. Your sense of purpose is to know God intimately and live from within through faith rather than working for Him and living from without or keeping the law.
  1. You have a compelling call from God to join others in their spiritual journey in an Authentic Biblical community, in the role of friend, companion, Christian formation guide and shepherd.
  1. You are drawn not to fixing problems but to coming along side of others with love and mercy totally convinced in the sovereign will of a Trinitarian God to work in them to create change, restoration, healing, spirituality, formation, and growth.

3) You have been called by God to Shepherd an “Authentic Christian Home Church
Community” (ACHCC).

4) You belong to a New Covenant GraceLife Discipleship group or want to start one.

5) You attend an ACHCC Shepherds Retreat and read IT Is Finished—Resting in the Grace
of God
and Reimagining Church: Pursuing the Dream of Organic Christianity.

6) You agree with the “Statement of Faith” provided by New Covenant GraceLife Ministries.

7) You will fill out a one-page verification form to state that you have completed the previous

8) You are required to attend a one-hour interview with Missionary Church Planting Pastors to
determine your readiness for shepherding an ACHCC.

9) As a Shepherd, you will continue your education by reading a book approved by MCPP.

10) As a Shepherd, you will attend an ongoing discipleship meeting once a month for continued
education and training led by an Elder Shepherd/Overseer (ESO).

At the completion of this intensified training, you will receive a Shepherd’s Ministry Certificate. This certificate entitles you to all the rights and privileges given by New Covenant GraceLife Ministries and allows you to Shepherd an “Authentic Christian Home Church Community” for NCGM and be eligible for promotion to Elder Shepherd and/or ACHCC Pastor.