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Shepherds Training

ACHCC Training Retreat








We invite you to visit us in the gorgeous Colorado Rocky Mountains for our New Covenant GraceLife retreat training for Authentic Christian Home Church Shepherds.

Training Agenda

Session One

Prior Reading: Authentic Christian Home Church Community PowerPoint

Teaching: The Acts Model of Community

Soul Care: Below the Waterline

Lectio Divina Scriptures:  Acts 2:42–47 & 4:32–35

Session Two

Prior Reading: The Disciple of Lectio Divina to Experience God

Teaching: Lectio Divina: Holy Spirit-Led Bible Study

Soul Care: The Law of Linearity

Lectio Divina Scriptures: John 14:15-27

Session Three

Prior Reading: Reimagining the Lords Supper

Teaching: The Lord’s Supper and Fellowship Meal

Soul Care: Two Paths and Two Ways to Live

Lectio Divina Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 11:23-34

Session Four

Prior Reading: Hearing the Voice of God

Teaching: How to Hear God’s Voice

Soul Care: The Old Way, Counseling and New Way Cycles

Lectio Divina Scriptures: John 11:1-30

Session Five

Prior Reading: Reimagining the Church Meeting

Teaching: A Functioning Priesthood of Believers

Soul Care: New Covenant

Lectio Divina Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 14:26-33 or 1 Peter 2:9-17

Session Six

Prior Reading: Reimagining Church Leadership

Teaching: Shepherding the Flock

Soul Care: Forgiveness

Lectio Divina Scriptures: 1 Peter 5:1-11

Session Seven

Prior Reading: Reimagining Church Unity

Teaching: Evangelism or Sharing Jesus

Soul Care: Grace Church

Lectio Divina Scriptures: Psalm 40:1-11