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New Covenant GraceLife Ministries

New Covenant GraceLife Ministries

New Covenant GraceLife Ministries

New Covenant GraceLife Ministries (NCGM) is a five-fold Christian ministry. One, it is an Educational Ministry: the academic teaching of New Covenant grace theology and God’s Shekinah Glory intimacy—through e-books, articles, protocols, website, speaking engagements and seminars; Couples Intimacy Retreats and Authentic Christian Home Church Community (ACHCC) Training Retreats. Two, it is a Couples and Marriage Ministry emphasizing: healing prayer, sexual healing, restoring intimacy with God and spouse, Christian formation, soul care, intensives and spiritual direction. Three, it is a Missional Home Church Ministry by planting ACHCC’s and training Home Church Shepherds, Elders, and cell Pastors and by developing city-wide Missionary Home Church Cells. Fourth, it is a Charitable Ministry helping orphans (children without fathers) and widows (single mothers) through donations and ACHCC beneficiaries. Fifth, it has the vision to own and operate an NCGM’s Retreat Center to allow and accommodate the first four aspects of this ministry.

This ministry was founded by Bill and Janean Fuller for the express purpose of duplicating the “Life of Christ” in the body of believers and a world in need through healing, Biblical counseling, spiritual formation, soul care, retreats, and authentic Biblical community. Our theological message is one of living in the New Covenant; living in the present moment experiencing God; living through the indwelling life and power of the Trinitarian God; and then allowing His love (demonstrated in all one another scriptures) to flow in and through us toward others in an authentic home church community.

We believe “Authentic Christian Home Church Communities” is the only way of doing church when Christians are being persecuted. We are called to help duplicate the “Life of Christ” by training lay shepherds, elders and pastors to utilize their gifting, talents and callings by providing discipleship and leadership within their home communities. Our ministry vision is to train 1,000 shepherds who will minister to 12,000 to 15,000 people with the truth and compassion of God’s Word and Spirit under the New Covenant of grace.

We are prepared to assist, train, comfort, and teach all “who have an ear to hear” the truth of God’s Word. Our vision is to reach the persecuted or end time Christian with the message of the gospel within an authentic Christian community. This is no longer a luxury or option for the institutional church. It is essential and urgent. We believe that “Authentic Christian Home Church Communities” (ACHCC) are the answer to the growing USA’s economic collapse, moral decay, and anti-God agenda which will inevitably lead to the persecution of true believers in Jesus Christ (please see the “Authentic Biblical Home Church Communities” power point enclosed). New Covenant GraceLife Ministries is a nonprofit organized in the State of Colorado. The ministry is governed by a Board of Directors of seven to nine trustees under the 501(c) (3) IRS Department of Treasury.