Enjoy a romantic retreat in the gorgeous Colorado Rockies where you and your spouse will learn all about the sacredness of married, Christian, sexual love. You’ll also discover how sexual passion is a God-given gift, what marital “oneness” actually looks like in your marriage, and how you both bring your masculine and feminine souls into your marriage bed where you glorify the completed image of God every time you come together! Couples will have a deeper understanding of the kind of sexual intimacy God intended: sensual, transcendent moments of ecstasy where both of you can glimpse the beauty of God.
How can you both live in God’s design for your sexuality and at the same time celebrate the wife’s alluring power and erotic desire and the husband’s masculine strength, power to pursue, and initiative within God’s economy for their erotic desires? No matter how wounded your sexuality is, what stage of life you’re in, or how long you have been married, the Lord desires to heal both of you as you experience community in a confidential group of other couples with similar struggles and stories. We will explore the following topics together and then separate into individual husband and wife groups for soul care:
- Learning the difference between having sex and making love
- Celebrating “oneness” in your sexual love as God designed it
- Understanding the dance of your sexual desires with God’s ultimate purpose
- Increasing desire, romance and learning various ways to initiate lovemaking
- Understanding how your sexual story impacts your lovemaking now
- Experiencing the differences between your masculine and feminine souls
- Experiencing New Covenant grace through the Lord’s redemption.
This isn’t the typical (all lecture) marriage retreat you may have attended in the past. We use meditation, Imaginative Contemplation, Lectio Divina, Artful Contemplation, walking a labyrinth and reflection. Couples stay together in a group to interact with the above topics with the Lord, their spouse and others.
Couples have opportunities to practice what they’re learning by privately doing Intimacy Experiences together (and they’re totally new and not included in the Divine Desire Protocol). Then we move into small husband and wife groups with counselors/spiritual directors facilitating. You’ll also enjoy a romantic, candlelit dinner served in your room for just the two of you!
WHICH BEGINS THURSDAY NIGHT AT 6 P.M. AND ENDS SUNDAY AT 6 P.M. THE COST IS $749 PER COUPLE (ROOM AND MEALS ARE PAID FOR SEPARATELY) Click here to visit our Store and learn more about pricing and upcoming retreat dates. |
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